Saturday, December 29, 2007

Kisah anak-anak

She's back! Safe and sound, in one piece (albeit that she lost her telekung) and she told us she had a good time during Kem Anak Soleh. I'm glad she did. Alhamdulillah, Allah granted my doa to make things easy for us all. Yang herannya, when I asked her to help me do something, she answered with 'yes boss'. Dia kata cikgu suruh..

Sedar tak sedar I'm in my 19th weeks already. In a few days, it's going to be 20, which means I'm half way through already. If you ask, the more birth I give, the more frightened of labor I become. Perhaps because I know what to expect already. Perhaps Iman's birth, tho a lot shorter than Kakak's, was a lot more painful. I did beg for C-sect for that matter, actually! After hearing other people's experience, I'm glad Dr Jemilah turned deaf ears on that and instead encouraged me to push and push and push. I am praying this time around for an easier birth and a calmer baby.

I haven't done any preparations for Little Muhammad yet at this point. Perhaps I should start little by little. I've checked and could not find all the mittens and booties and baby clothing. Perhaps I've loaned them but could not remember to who (hey, it's been more than 3 years already!). All that are left semua sudah buruk. Getah seluar pun dah loose semuanya. Most are Kakak's, so it's been more like almost 7 years already, what do you expect kan.. Thank God all the bulky items are intact - play-pen (this, is especially important when I have another 2 kids around!!), baby seat, car seat, stroller, tub. Yes, I do plan to breastfeed for the first month. 2nd month I probably should start expressing and feed Little Muhammad EBM. I have had really hard time with Iman to wean him off my teats last time. Maybe sbb lambat sangat train dia kot. Ada sapa yang guna Avent bottle/food warmer? Thinking of buying one.

Little Muhammad seems to like Kakak and Iman very much. At the sound of his sister and brother, he'd move about. Kakak seems to be developing some kind of bond with Little Muhammad already (she pats my tummy and talks to her baby brother) whereas Iman is still oblivious to my expanding tummy and the fact that another baby is coming. Last weekend, Kakak read aloud a storybook near me and Little Muhammad went moving and kicking until Kakak stopped. Ummi fell asleep. Ala-ala bedtime story pulak. Bukan maknya baca kat anak, anaknya yang baca kat mak!

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